I have logged in but when I try to check out, the same page just keeps reloading. What’s wrong?
Make sure that all of the required fields are completed on the checkout form. Even if the form is already filled in, one or two fields may not contain data. A common error is forgetting to check the box at the bottom, “I have read the terms and conditions….” Also, if the page reloads with an error, it sometimes makes the “State” blank, even if it was filled in before. We have not been able to find the cause of this error. Make sure that the State field is correct, along with all of the other required fields.
I have forgotten my user name or password. What can I do?
Use the “Request new password” option on the Log-in form. Enter your e-mail address (the one where you receive mailings from Suburban Ski Club), and complete the Captcha field. You will receive an e-mail shortly with your user name and a link that will take you to a page on the web site where you can enter a new password. If you were already a member when this site was put on-line, your user name is your first initial followed by your last name (no spaces; case does not matter), unless you have changed it. If you first joined Suburban Ski Club by registering on our site, your user name is the portion of your e-mail address before the @.
I followed the link in an e-mail for a new password, but the link still takes me to a page that requires the old password before I can make a change.
Make sure the site does not already show that you are logged in. Look for the words “Log out” on the upper right, just below the green and blue banner. We are not sure why this happens, but it seems that it might occur if you have followed an expired password-reset link from an old e-mail. Click “Log out,” then click the link to request a new password.
I submitted a request for a new password and nothing happened.
When you request a new password, our system sends an email message to the address we have on file for you. The message contains a link to a page on our site where you can set a new password. If you do not receive this message, it might have gone into your spam or junk mail folder. It is also possible that you entered the wrong email address or user name. The system will only send a message to the address we have on file for your account.Contact [name and email link] if you do not remember the user name or email address for your account.
But I don’t want the whole world to see where I am going!
The Trip Roster page is only visible to current members of Suburban Ski Club who are logged in to the site.
I don’t remember if I have renewed my membership this year. How can I tell?
When you log in to your account, the first thing you will see is your profile page. You should see a heading labeled “Expiring roles.” Under that will be the text, “Current SSC Member,” with an expiration date, typically November 15 or 16 If in doubt, contact us at info@suburbanskiclub.org.
Why do I need a user account?
Your user account simplifies reserving for trips and other paid events. The system retains your membership information so that you do not have to re-enter it every time you make a reservation. You can update this information yourself if needed. The user account also allows us to make some content on our site available only to members. Our record system requires each member to have a user account associated with a unique e-mail address.
What if I share an e-mail address with my spouse?
We cannot create two separate user accounts with the same e-mail address.
How do I log in to my account?
A login form is in the top right on each page.
I have forgotten my username/password.
On the login page, click the tab to request a new password. You can give either your username or e-mail address. Instructions will be sent to the e-mail address associated with your account.
I never activated my account, and I have lost the e-mail with the instructions.
Follow the directions for a forgotten password.
I followed the link in the e-mail to activate my account, and it says it has expired.
Most people find that they can still activate their accounts by clicking the Login button. However, we recommend following the directions for the previous question instead.
How do I update my address, phone number, and other information?
Log in to your account, and click “My account” on the upper right under the banner. Click the tab for your information. If in doubt, contact us at info@suburbanskiclub.org.
Is my information secure?
We use a secure server for our entire site, which encrypts your login information and any other data on the site. We recommend using a strong password that is different from passwords used on other accounts. If using a public computer, be sure to log out when you are finished, and verify that the browser is not set to retain your password.
How secure is my payment information?
When you pay for your reservation using PayPal, you are transferred to PayPal’s web site. All financial information bypasses our site and goes directly to PayPal’s secure server. Our site does not collect or retain any credit card or other financial data.
Do I need a PayPal account to pay online?
PayPal accepts all major credit cards. You do not need a PayPal account to pay with a credit card. A PayPal account gives you other payment options, such as making a payment directly from your bank account. You might prefer this method if you want to pay immediately without adding to your credit card balance.
My PayPal payment is not processed right away. Why?
Remember that we hold reservations in the order we receive payment. If you make a payment from your bank account instead of a credit card, PayPal may delay the payment to allow time to verify that sufficient funds are available in the account. You can prevent this delay by linking a credit card to your PayPal account in addition to your bank account. Your credit card is not charged as long as the bank account has sufficient funds. See PayPal’s instructions for linking to a credit card.