Terms of Membership

As a member of Suburban Ski Club, you agree to fully and completely release Suburban Ski Club, Inc. and its officers and members from any and all claims or causes of action which you may have, or which may accrue to your heirs or legal representatives, arising out of or in any way connected with participation in any of the activities of Suburban Ski Club, Inc. You agree that this release of any and all claims for personal injury, property damage, or any other claims whatsoever, is a condition of membership in and participation in the activities of Suburban Ski Club, Inc. You also acknowledge that membership may be canceled at any time by the Executive Board of Suburban Ski Club, Inc.

SSC Social Activities Policy

Each SSC Social Committee event will be conducted under the authority of an event leader who, with the approval of the Social Committee Chair, will set the pricing, reservations and, if needed, waiver requirements for the event.

Reservations are desired as early as possible and will be guaranteed only to the announced reservations deadline date. Afterwards, acceptance of additional reservations is at the discretion of the event leader. Those showing up at the Social Committee event without a reservation may be excluded from the event.

Many of the social events will have a higher price for guests than for members. Non-members and Trips-Only members will be charged the higher guest fee, even if the guest is paid for by a member.

Most social events require advance financial commitments by SSC. Therefore:

  • Cancellations will generally be accepted up to the deadline for reservations. Later cancellations and any related refunds are at the discretion of the event leader.
  • Individuals making reservations and who do not attend will pay/forfeit the event fee unless 1) the event leader determines that the cancellation did not result in SSC incurring any cost or inconvenience, or 2) SSC’s Executive Board concurs that extraordinary circumstances prevented attendance.
  • Members making reservations for non-showing guests are responsible for those guests’ fees.
  • Members arriving late, without reservations, should expect to pay the full amount of the event unless other arrangements have been made in advance with the event leader.
  • Members with outstanding financial obligations may, at the discretion of the Social Committee Chair, be excluded from future social activities until such obligations are cleared.

Trip Policy Statement

The purpose of SSC’s trip policy is to facilitate trip administration and to emphasize the responsibilities of individual members. We encourage early reservations and prompt payment to avoid having to cancel any trips. Our policy is also designed to encourage participation in our trips in a safe and efficient manner.


Only current members of SSC are permitted on trips. All other adults are required to join SSC to attend any of our trips.

Children and minors are permitted on trips with adult supervision. Anyone 17 or under must be accompanied by an adult member who will accept full responsibility for the minor’s behavior and well-being.

Everyone registering for a trip must agree to the terms of the trip as stated on-line or in the trip flyer. For week-long trips there will be a separate, more extensive Trip Application & Agreement Form. All trip participants must sign this form and include it with the initial payment for the trip. In either case, each participant agrees to be bound by the terms of SSC’s Terms of Participation as stated on the web site or in the Membership Application.

No Preference for Members

Current members have the advantage of receiving advance notice of future trips in the monthly newsletter, at membership meetings and via periodic Email notices. All trips will be open to members and others becoming SSC members on a first-come-first-reserved basis.


A reservation will not be held for anyone without the designated deposits and payments being made as established by the trip flyers. If paying on line, an Email will acknowledge your reservation. If paying by check, that is your reservation when received and deposited by the Treasurer of SSC.

Bus Trips: Reservations for seats on bus trips are guaranteed only by payment-in-full for the trip. The maximum number of people per bus on each trip will not exceed the seating and luggage space available. On-line reservations will be acknowledged as soon as payment processing is completed. Reservations with personal checks will not guarantee a reservation until the check has been received and processed by the club Treasurer. Reservations received after the bus has been filled will be applied to a waiting list for a possible cancellation or a second bus.


Major Trips: An initial deposit in the amount listed in the trip flyer or as announced by the trip leader at an SSC meeting is due with the reservation. The balance of payment is due by the specified date(s) listed in the trip flyer. Missing any of the payment dates forfeits the reservation guarantee until it is specifically reinstated by the trip leader.


General: All cancellations carry a minimum $5.00 service charge whatever the reason or timing of the cancellation. A major trip may impose a higher cancellation fee and specify that in the Trip Agreement Form.

SSC reserves the right to withdraw or change trips at any time due to inadequate number of participants, weather conditions, and/or circumstances beyond the control of SSC. We will cancel only in the event that proceeding with a trip would result in significant financial losses to the club or risks to the safety of our members.

Recent changes in the travel industry have led to cancellation fees that are part of the contracts SSC must agree to when booking trips. Because SSC operates on a minimum mark-up and passes our group savings on to members, we believe trip participants need to share in the risks SSC takes in booking these trips. SSC will endeavor to minimize any cancellation fees by complying as much as possible with terms of travel contracts, but some cancellation fees may be unavoidable. In the event SSC would cancel a trip due to the aforementioned reasons, SSC will refund to our trip participants 100% of the amounts returned to us.


One-Day Trips: Individuals cancelling a one-day trip more than 7 days before the date of the trip shall be subject to a minimum service charge of $5, whatever the reason or timing of the cancellation.  Individuals not showing up for a trip on time or cancelling a one-day trip 7 days or less before a trip occurs, shall receive a refund limited to what they paid for a lift ticket, equipment rental, or lesson.

Suburban Ski Club enters into transportation contracts for one-day trips based on the number of participants who have made reservations and prepaid for their trips.  Suburban Ski Club may, in its sole discretion and with the approval of the Executive Board, provide a greater refund of an unused reservation fee in extenuating circumstances.  Apart from such a determination, trip participants shall not receive an additional refund.


Weekend & Multi-DayTrips: When an individual cancels and a replacement is found, the individual canceling will receive a full refund, less a $5.00 service charge. If a replacement is not found, the canceling individual will receive a refund only to the extent that SSC is able to obtain a refund or to find a replacement because of the cancellation.


Western & Eastern Ski Trips and Other Trips Involving Airfare: Any monies received from an individual for airfare, lodging, lift tickets, etc., will be refunded in accordance with the airline policy, lodging site policy, and the management of the ski area, if and when SSC receives the refund. SSC will pass on to the individual any penalties that are assessed regarding the cancellation.